“Serve the Lord faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.”
1 Samuel 12:24

Via de Cristo of Western Washington has two types of applications:

Team Application – A person who desires to serve as a team member on a coming weekend needs to fill out this application. This means you are committing to serve and attend all team meetings, the full weekend, and the Reunion Ultreya. Each person fills out their own application online. Even if you have submitted an application for a prior weekend, you must submit an application for each weekend you want to work. Click Here for Team Application

Pilgrim Application – The online pilgrim application can be filled out by the pilgrim or the sponsor. In addition to this form the sponsors will need to fill out the Sponsor Form and use the payment options for their pilgrim in that form. Links to both are below:

Click Here for the Online Pilgrim Application

Click Here for Sponsor Form and Payment

To view our Private Policy click here.